Your Weakest Link!

It’s the time of year when we all have plans of getting in shape: some will some won’t. But it’s also the time of year when my office gets busy with people who have hurt themselves starting a workout program.

The fact is that your heart and lungs are more powerful than your joints. They will quickly get in shape and make you feel like you can run through walls! Don’t be fooled! You are only as strong as your weakest links. And those are your fragile joints; ankles, knees, elbows, (even your feet!) These joints are surrounded by tissue which is not meant to support weight or absorb significant stress. Given enough time combined with consistent controlled exercise, this tissue can adapt and allow you to do anything you want. But you have to give it time!

Quickly ramping up an exercise program leaves you vulnerable to injuries that are extremely difficult to fix. Ask anyone with plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, or achilles tendontitis. They are deal breakers and will end your plans for world domination very quickly.

Slow, slow, slow. So slow sometimes it may drive you crazy! But do it and you will still be exercising when the weather is nice, not sitting at home lamenting another failed New Year’s resolution. Contact me for strategies and recommendations.